
【包装工业展讯】由禾欣展览主办的INTPAK上海国际智能包装工业展览会是亚太地区专业的加工包装工业展览会,展会立足全球著名的贸易中心上海,辐射整个亚洲,重点关注东南亚、南亚、南美、中东、北非等快速发展的新兴包装市场,预计将吸引逾50000名高采购力买家到场,其中海外买家将超13500名。INTPAK上海国际智能包装工业展览会无论是展览规模、展商与观众数量,还是与日俱增的国际影响力,都可谓行业翘楚,INTPAK 2018将于2018年09月19—21日(周三到周五)在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区)盛大开幕,展览会新增买家速配计划,锁定核心买家采购需求,将帮助展商和亚太高采购力企业精准配对,助力展商突破贸易瓶颈逆势增长,快速提高市场份额。INTPAK2018上海国际智能包装工业展览会是你品牌推广、提升产品市场份额、会见品牌采购商及采购各类新型、智能、自动化的工业包装设备、商贸交流,网罗包装行业人脉的绝佳平台!INTPAK 2018诚邀你参观参展!


We are leading packaging machine manufacturer in China, we are famous disposable products manufacturer in China (http:lhpack.en.alibaba.com) as authorized Coca Cola supplier. We started manufacturing disposable product in 1992, more than 20years effort now we have both disposable product factory and machinery factory. Our machine factory covers a land of 7600 square meteres and our annual revenue reaches US$5 Million. Our major products are plastic sheet extruders and thermoforming machines. We have our own R&D department with our experienced engineer team which guarantee the best quality of product, professional & efficient machinery maintenance and after sale service. With 20 years experience in producing thermoforming quality products, we can give our customer more useful suggestion and technical support from the tooling making and final production. Our top selling item are extrusion machine, high speed full automatic thermoforming machine, including mould design and production, our professional sales team is very familiar with the disposable products material & production process, hence possibility for them to provide customer the most professional purchase solution of machine. For the DW Series high speed full automatic thermoforming machine, 50 times per minute at most, the noise is comparatively low. Though the structure is complex, it is still easy to operate and shows high reliability. Servo-control system is applied to all the machines. Moreover, the advanced automatic system is also adopted. Our mission is to provide good quality machine to our customer and to be the leading packaging machinery manufacturer in the world.


更多展会讯息,敬请关注官方微信公众号:INTPAK 或扫描上方二维码获取!INTPAK 2019上海国际智能包装工业展览会于2018年09月19—21日在上海世博展览馆(浦东新区博成路850)与你不见不散!



© 上海国际智能包装工业展览会 版权所有 不得转载 沪ICP备13000611号-5


© 上海国际智能包装工业展览会 版权所有 不得转载 沪ICP备13000611号-5